10 steps to ealing with Crohn's disease and IBS


In a recent conversation with a friend, I heard about the terrible suffering of a mutual friend who has been in pain with abdominal problems. After two years of going to a number of specialists and taking handfuls of pills with no results she was told the diagnosis was wrong and what she was suffering was Crohn's disease, or leaky gut.


This seems to be a common problem with apparently no cure however, I followed my gut instinct and went to look into how kefir could help her and I found that I wasn’t half wrong about the benefits of good gut bacteria when it comes to chronic diseases particularly Crohn's s disease. To quote a site on the topic, kefir has the necessary strains of bacteria required to restore a leaky gut and more than just drinking kefir, you can eat the grains for best results.


Probiotics are fundamental to good health and the prevention of the lasting effects of illness. Kefir alone won’t help your leaky gut without a thorough plan. I found the logic of the following 10 steps more compelling than any others.


  1. Eliminate inflammation - You have to stop eating all foods that cause inflammation, trigger an allergic reaction or that you crave. Learn about healthier alternatives.  If you don’t do this first, then the following steps will be ineffective.
  2. Treat likely infections

- Candida - Use raw or liposomal Colostrum
- Parasites - diatomaceous earth

- Unhealthy bacteria - eat real kefir grains

- Fungal - high doses of garlic extract with oder

  1. Alkalise your gut - eat green leafy vegetables in abundance. Consume high doses of Chlorella and juice green vegetables daily
  2. Increase fibre - prebiotics feed the good bacteria delivered in the probiotics of the kefir. Keeping your gut culture healthy and functioning is important. Eat 40 - 50 g per day.
  3. Restructure your diet to include food that supports these steps. It may help you to follow a low histamine eating plan.
  4. Drink Tumeric or Ginger in honey water ahead of meals with meat to help take the pressure off your gut lining during digestion.
  5. Use Glutamine on an empty stomach once or twice a day for a few days on and then off again until you develop a routine that feels right.
  6. Replace your bifidobacterium with a probiotic suppliment - as much as you can in high doses.
  7. Drink kefir daily. 40ml in the morning is good or soak your oats in milk kefir the night before for a luxurious breakfast with seasonal fruit and seeds.
  8. When symptoms are bad, fast for 3-5 days with only liquid nutrition. Try juicing your favourite fruit and veg and add colostrum to help your gut lining.


This may seem like a dramatic alteration to life as you know it, but beating the odds against you will be satisfying and you can enjoy the wellness you deserve as the ultimate goal.


If you want more liberating details about how you can beat IBS, depression & anxiety or just live healthy with probiotics, go to numeSA.co.za and get your live kefir grains, milk or water kefir and much more from their online store or from health outlets in Johannesburg, Pretoria and Kwazulu Natal, South Africa.


To read more about this from Matt Sikora visit this post on www.endsickness.org


Written by Viv Brown
